Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 Post 2

Nama    : Rachmi Setyo Asih

Npm     : 15211716

Kelas    : 4EA19

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Explain about Simple Tenses, Singular & Plural, Pronoun

Explain about Simple Tenses

1. Present Tense (Waktu Sekarang)

  • Simple Present Tense (Waktu sekarang sederhana)

Simple Present Tense adalah tenses (pola kalimat) yang digunakan untuk menceritakan waktu sekarang dalam bentuk sederhana.
Rumus Verbal :

(+) S + V1 s/es + O
(-) S + do/does not + V1 + O…
(?) Do/Does + S + V…?

Rumus Nominal :

(+) S + be(am, is, are) + Adj / Noun / Adverb (disingkat ANA)
(-) S + be + not + ANA
(?) Be + S + ANA ?

– Biasanya menggunakan daily activity : Always, usually, often, seldom.
Contoh Kalimat Verbal Simple Present Tense:

(+) My brother goes to post office.
(-) My brother does not go to post office.
(?) Does your brother go to post office?

Contoh Kalimat Nominal Simple Present Tense.

(+) Sarrah is a stronger woman.
(-) Saraah is not a stronger woman.
(?) Is she a stronger woman?

  • Present Continuous Tense (Waktu berlangsung sekarang)

Present Continuous Tense adalah pola kalimat yang digunakan untuk sesuatu yang sedang berlangsung saat ini.
Rumus Verbal :

(+) S + be + V-ing + O
(-) S + be + not + V-ing + O
(?) Be + S + V-ing + O…

Rumus Nominal :

(+) S + be (am, is, are) + Adj / Noun / Adverb (ANA)
(-) S + be + not + ANA
(?) Be + S + ANA

Contoh Kalimat Verbal Present Continuous Tense:

(+)  I am speaking english
(-)   I am not speaking English
(?)  am I speaking English?

Contoh Kalimat Nominal Present Continuous Tense:

(+) He is handsome.
(-) He is not handsome.
(?) Is he handsome?

  • Present Perfect Tense (Waktu sempurna sekarang)

Present Perfect Tense adalah pola kalimat yang terjadi pada masa lampau dan masih berpengaruh hingga sekarang.
Rumus Verbal :

(+) S + Have/Has + V3 + O
(-) S + Have/Has + not + V3 + O
(?) have/has + S + V3 + O

Rumus Nominal :

(+) S + have/has + to be 3 (been) + non verb + O
(-) S + have/has + not + to be 3 + non verb + O
(?) have/has + S + to be 3 + non verb + O?

Contoh Kalimat Verbal Present Perfect Tense :

(+) I have finished my work.
(-) I have not finished my homework.
(?) Have I finished my homework?

Contoh Kalimat Nominal Present Perfect Tense :

(+) She has been here for 20 minutes.
(-) She has not been here for 20 minutes.
(?) Has she been here for 20 minutes?

  • Present Perfect Continuous (Waktu Berlangsung Sempurna Sekarang)

Present Perfect Continuous adalah tindakan yang dimulai di masa lalu dan masih berlanjut sampai sekarang. Tenses ini juga digunakan untuk menceritakan kejadian yang dimulai dimasa lalu dan baru saja selesai.
Rumus Verbal:

(+)  S + have/has + been + V-ing + O + Adj / Noun / Adverb (ANA)
(-) S + have/ has + not + been + V-ing + O + ANA
(?) Have/has + S + been + V-ing + O + ANA

Rumus Nominal:

(+) S + has/have + been + ANA
(-) S + has/have + not + been + ANA
(?) Has/have + S + been + ANA

Contoh Kalimat Verbal Present Perfect Continuous:

(+)He has been studying  for 3 hours.
(-)  He has not been studying  for 3 hours.
(?) Has he been playing studying  for 3 hours?

Contoh Kalimat Nominal Present Perfect Continuous:
(+) I have been in Cirebon.
(-) I have not been in Cirebon.
(?) Have I been in Cirebon?

  1. Past Tense (Waktu Lampau)

  • Simple Past Tense (Waktu lampau sederhana)

Simple Past Tense adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang terjadi dimasa lampau dan waktu terjadinya persitiwa itu telah diketahui.
Rumus Verbal :

(+) S + V2 + O + Adj / Noun / Adverb (ANA)
(-) S + did + not + V1 + O + ANA
(?) Did + S + V1 + O + ANA ?

Rumus Nominal :

(+) S + to be 2 (was/were) + ANA
(-) S + to be 2 (was/were) + ANA
(?) to be 2 + S + ANA ?

Contoh Kalimat Verbal Simple Past Tense :

(+) The Doctor went to the hospital yesterday.
(-) The Doctor did not go to the hospital yesterday.
(?) Did the Doctor go to the hospital yesterday?

Contoh Kalimat Nominal Simple Past Tense :

(+) He was a teacher.
(-) He was not a teacher.
(?) Was he a teacher?


Was: I, He, She, dan It.
Were: You, We, They.

  • Past Continuous Tense (Waktu berlangsung lampau)

Past Continuous Tense adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang sedang terjadi, tetapi bukan sedang terjadi sekarang, melainkan sedang terjadi “dulu”, sudah lewat.
Rumus Verbal :

(+) S + to be 2 (was/were) + V-ing + O
(-) S + to be 2 (was/were) + not + V-ing + O
(?) to be 2 (was/were) + S + V-ing + O

Rumus Nominal :

(+) S + to be 2 + Adj / Noun / Adverb (ANA)
(-) S + to be 2 + not + ANA
(?) to be 2 + S + ANA ?

Contoh Kalimat Verbal Past Continuous Tense :

(+) He was confused in studying grammar yesterday in school.
(-) He was not confused in studying grammar yesterday in school.
(?) Was he confused in studying grammar yesterday in school?

Contoh Kalimat Nominal Past Continuous Tense :

(+) She was lazy.
(-) She was not lazy.
(?) Was she lazy?

  • Past Perfect Tense (Waktu Sempurna Lampau)

Past Perfect Tense adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan peristiwa yang terjadi dimasa lampau dan terus berlangsung ataupun selesai dimasa lampau berikutnya.
Rumus Verbal :

(+) S + had + V3
(-) S + had + not + V3
(?) Had + S + V3

Rumus Nominal :

(+) S + had + been + ANA
(-) S + had + not + been + ANA
(?) Had + S + been + ANA ?

Contoh Kalimat Verbal Past Perfect Tense:

(+) She had helped her mother after she played a game.
(-) She had not helped her mother after she played a game.
(?) Had she helped her mother after she played a game?

Contoh Kalimat Nominal Past Perfect Tense:

(+) They had been at Grage Mall since morning.
(-) They had not been at Grage Mall since morning.
(?) Had they been at Grage Mall since morning?

  • Past Perfect Continuous Tense (Waktu berlangsung sempurna lampau)

Past Perfect Continuous Tense digunakan untuk mengekspresikan suatu kejadian yang sudah dimulai dan sedang berlangsung di masa lampau tapi saat ini sudah tidak terjadi lagi.
Rumus Verbal :

(+) S + had + been + V-ing
(-) S + had + not + been + V-ing
(?) Had + S + been + V-ing

Rumus Nominal :

(+) S + Had + Been + Being + O+ ANA
(-) S + Had + Not + Been + Being + O + ANA
(?) Had + S + Been + Being + O + ANA

Contoh Kalimat Verbal Past Perfect Continuous Tense:

(+) Isna had been sleeping for 5 hours before Her father woke up.
(-) Isna had not been sleeping for 5 hours before Her fathe woke up.
(?) Had she been sleeping for 5 hours before her father woke up?

Contoh Kalimat Nominal Past Perfect Continuous Tense:
(+) I had been being a modeling character since 2014.
(-) I had not been being a modeling character since 2014.
(?) Had you been being a modeling character since 2014? 

  1. Future Tense (Waktu yang Akan Datang)
  • Simple Future Tense (Waktu Akan Datang Sederhana)

Simple Future Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang.
Rumus Verbal :

(+) S + Will/Shall + V1 + O + ANA
(-) S + Will/Shall + not + V1 + O + ANA
(?) Will/Shall + S + V1 + O + ANA

Rumus Nominal :

(+) S + Will/Shall + Be + O + ANA
(-) S + Will/Shall + not + be + O + ANA
(?) Will/Shall + S + be + O + ANA

Contoh Kalimat Verbal Simple Future Tense :

(+) I will make a cake tomorrow.
(-) I will not make a cake tomorrow.
(?) Will you make a cake tomorrow?

Contoh Kalimat Nominal Simple Future Tense :

(+) Belinda will be a singer in my birthday party tomorrow.
(-) Belinda will not be a singer in my birthday party tomorrow.
(?) Will she be a singer in my birthday party tomorrow?

  • Future Continuous Tense (Waktu berlangsung akan datang)

Future Continuous Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang akan sedang berlangsung atau akan sedang dilakukan di waktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang.
Rumus Verbal :

(+) S + will/shall + be + V-ing + O
(-) S + will/shall + not + be + V-ing + O
(?) Will/Shall + S + be + V-ing + O?

Rumus Nominal :

(+) S + will/shall + be + being + O + ANA
(-) S + will/shall + not + be + being + O + ANA
(?) Will/Shall + S + be + being + O + ANA?

Contoh Kalimat Verbal Future Continuous Tense :

(+) I will be studying grammar speaking at 07.00 am in ELFAST.
(-) I will not be studying grammar speaking at 07.00 am in ELFAST.
(?) Will you be studying grammar speaking at 07.00 am in ELFAST?

Contoh Kalimat Nominal Future Continuous Tense :

(+) I will be being a professional English teacher.
(-) I will not be being a professional English teacher.
(?) Will you be being a professional English teacher?

  • Future Perfect Tense (Waktu sempurna yang akan datang)

Future Perfect Tense tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang akan telah terjadi atau akan telah selesai dilakukan diwaktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang.
Rumus Verbal :

(+) S + Will/Shall + Have + V3 + O + ANA
(-) S + will/shall + not + have + V3 + O + ANA
(?) Will/Shall + S + have + V3 + O + ANA

Rumus Nominal :

(+) S + Will/Shall + Have + Been + O + ANA
(-) S + will/shall + not + have + been + O + ANA
(?) Will/shall + S + have + been + O + ANA

Contoh Kalimat Verbal Future Perfect Tense :

(+) We shall have arrived in School at 10.00 o’clock.
(-) We shall not have arrived in School at 10.00 o’clock.
(?) Shall we have arrived in School at 10.00 o’clock.

Contoh Kalimat Nominal Future Perfect Tense :

(+) I will have been at Grandma House by the end of the week.
(-) I will not have been at Grandma House by the end of the week.
(?) Will you have been at Grandma House by the end of the week?

  • Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Waktu berlangsung sempurna akan datang)

Future Perfect Continuous Tense adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang akan telah sedang berlangsung di waktu yang akan datang dimasa lampau.
Rumus Verbal :

(+) S + Will/Shall + Have + Been + V-ing + O + ANA
(-) S + will/shall + not + have + been + V-ing + O + ANA
(?) Will/Shall + S + have + been + V-ing + O + ANA ?

Rumus Nominal :

(+) S + Will/Shall + Have + Been + O + ANA
(-) S + Will/Shall + not + Have + Been + O + ANA
(?) Will/Shall + S + Have + Been + O + ANA

Contoh Kalimat Verbal Future Perfect Continuous Tense

(+) She will have been studying for a while when you come here.
(-) She will not have been studying for a while when you come here.
(?) Will she have been studying for a while when you come here?

Contoh Kalimat Nominal Future Perfect Continuous Tense

(+) I will have been a famous artist within twenty years ahead.
(-) I will not have been a famous artist within twenty years ahead.
(?) Will I have been a famous artist within twenty years ahead.

Explain about Singular and Plural

Singular nouns digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu benda yang berjumlah tunggal atau satu.


a computer, a chair, a train, a player, a teacher, a taxi, etc.

Plural nouns digunakan untuk menunjukkan benda yang berjumlah banyak (jamak).


computers, chairs, trains, players, teachers, taxis, etc.

Singular nouns umumnya disertai determiners (a/an, this, that, the), misalnya: a river, a castle, an idea, this book, the man, etc.

Plural nouns umumnya dibentuk dengan menambah huruf (-s) di belakang kata benda yang akan dibuat dalam bentuk jamak, misalnya: boats, bats, houses, rivers, computer, boys, girls, etc.

Explain about Pronoun

Personal pronouns adalah kata ganti untuk orang, binatang, tempat, atau sesuatu benda. Dalam kalimat, personal pronouns dapat digunakan sebagai subjek (the subject of a verb) maupun objek (the object of a verb).

Personal pronouns yang digunakan sebagai subjek kata kerja adalah I, you, he, she, it, we, dan they.

Contoh kalimat:

My father works hard. He works in a factory.

My sister is older than me. She is twelve.

Personal pronouns yang digunakan sebagai objek kata kerja adalah me, you, him, her, it, us dan them.

Contoh kalimat:

– I’m doing my homework. Dad is helping me.

Goodbye, children! I’ll call you later.

Possessive pronouns adalah kata ganti yang menunjukkan kepemilikan atas suatu benda. Kata-kata yang biasa digunakan adalah mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs.

Contoh kalimat:
– Look at those cars. Theirs is really ugly; ours is beautiful.
This new car is mine.

Reflexive pronouns adalah kata ganti yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan tindakan atau kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh diri subjek sendiri (subject of the verb). Kata ganti yang dipakai adalah personal pronouns (my, your, him, her, it, our, them) ditambah dengan self untuk kata benda tunggal (singular) atau selves untuk kata benda jamak (plural).

Kata ganti yang digunakan sebagai Reflexive pronoun adalah: myself, yourself, yourselves, themselves, himself, herself, dan itself.

He encouraged himself to do his homework immediately.
– I enjoyed myself by traveling around the world.

Source :

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 post 1

Nama    : Rachmi Setyo Asih

Npm     : 15211716

Kelas    : 4EA19

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

My Vacation

Yesterday was vacation, My family and I went to Ancol Beach to spend the vacation. It was really fun. My brother and I swam on the beach, my young sister played the sand with My brother and My father got our picture. We had a lot of picture and My sister was crying because she lost her ballon. My brother and My father played the volley ball. My mother, My sister and I yelled them for spirit, we were happy yesterday. And I ask My father to go there next time.

I want to tell you about My last vacation second in Florida. My family and I were having our vacation in Florida. It was wonderful. My family and I were very happy. The weather was not bad. It was sunny and warm. Here My experienced in Florida. In the morning we took a walk at the beach and swam in the sea. In the afternoon we went shopping and in the evening we had dinner at the hotel restaurant.

My vacation was exciting, My family and I visited My grandparents. We traveled by train and we arrived in there at the evening. Phew! It was a trip. We stayed at My grandparents for four days. We did for a lot of things together, We worked in the garden, climbed the trees and played some games. Everybody was happy. It was time to go home. We hugged grandma and grandpa. I was enjoy My vacation. We said “see you next vacation!”

Nb :

  1. Color red is subject
  2. Color blue is verb
  3. Color orange is complement
  4. Color purple is modifiers